Sky Walker

When Inheritance Meets Chinese Calligraphy

Sky Walker
Sky Walker
Family Office
Scope of work
Rebranding/ Logo/ Business Card Design/ Production Management
Client Background

As for this family investment business for Sky Walker, this project works to provide a branding service to deliver a brand highlight of 'inheritance' which is set as a design theme. Taking this concept, the presentation of 'trees is applied to symbolize continued and life-long growth, while also surrounded by the brand's core elements of 'water & gold' as well as the Chinese ancient writing.


The logo is crafted and inspired by the name of the founder's father - 世章(Sai Chueng) with Chinese calligraphy form visual expression, its curvy design is applied to the graphics for a flowing ever-lasting continuous message. The color scheme of option 1 takes the primary brand of Gold and Black, which gives a ritual sensation, together with the Chinese handwriting, to present a luxury attitude and image of the authenticity of calligraphy.

Sky Walker
Sky Walker
Business card design

In terms of design aesthetics, this color combo also exudes an up-scale brand image with a sense of exquisite by applying the color combo of Gold and Black which is authentic, and classic. Using Gold color to be the background of the brand's graphics, and a unique texture paper made in beige at the back to stay
cohesive with the new logo.

Sky Walker
Sky Walker
Sky Walker
Sky Walker
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